

Film Production Company in NYC

When you have a story…

You have more avenues to deliver your message on a multitude of pathways and platforms than ever before. So which one is the best? At fire5films it’s not about besting the competition, but what’s best for you and your company. fire5films can be your one-stop-shop for video, or part-of-your-bigger-plan-shop that will give you the tools you need to complete your story and message. fire5films is here to help you create it, guide it, deliver it, and give it the impact it requires to make a difference.

fire5films is a skillful, dedicated company with a multitude of resources and 3 decades of experience. Small or large, one part or start to finish, we’re here to help you realize your mission. Your story needs to be told…


More than just a production house.



IDeation, Scripting, planning

From simple ideas to full shooting scripts, learn how fire5films works with you to get your vision production ready.



directing, producing, shooting, on location

There’s a lot of moving parts but why worry when fire5films knows the ins-n-outs of production. From simple pulling of stock to multi-location, multi-day shoots, we have you covered.



editing, audio mixing, coloring, DELIVERY

It’s in the can, now what? fire5films has award winning editing. We will get to know your project better than you. We shine through our editing to pull the right footage and the right audio to make each moment the best that it can be and effectively deliver your story.

Motion Graphics & VFX

titling, animation, finishing

Need your logo animated? Want that video to have a little more flare? Our MoGraph Artists are waiting to give you that extra visual candy to make your video pop. Your video is entirely animated or the piece is an animatic (visual storyboard)? Our animators fully deliver your animation with the right style, timing and cadence.